Brief Introduction To Nonsteroidal Compounds

A newly isolated group of normally nonsteroidal compounds, including advanced anabolic-androgenic substances. Ligands belonging to SARMs show a high selectivity in the stimulation of selected androgen receptors (ARs) that are located in the organism, whereby they concentrate on the development of only certain body structures. As full-fledged agonists of AR in muscle tissue, they accelerate …

Ligandrol Stack Explained

Ligandrol (LGD) has a significant effect on building lean muscle mass, strengthens bones, and muscles. It is the most anabolic SARMS, but just like its cousins Andarin – Andarine – S4 and Ostarine (MK-2866 / Ostabolic), it binds very strongly to the androgen receptor. Ligandrol (LGD) has anti-catabolic properties, protecting the muscles from destruction. In addition, Ligandrol stack has …