Peptides Clenbuterol-The Only Guide You Need

Peptides Clenbuterol

Peptides Clenbuterol is a drug that relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, improves their patency, eliminates wheezing, and facilitates breathing. It is used to eliminate bronchial spasm in asthma and other conditions.

>>You can buy Clenbuterol direct by clicking here.<<

In fitness circles, however, Clenbuterol has a reputation as a relatively safe stimulant that clears fat, promotes muscle growth, and removes excess water from the body.

It is used around photoshoots by models as well as by professional athletes to further help burn fat and prevent water retention from the body, which most often turns out to be problematic and causes the abdominal area as well as the lower back and buttocks. to look “greasy”.

Important note: The site does not recommend taking Clenbuterol. The article describes popular ways to take and how to avoid or reduce side effects, as well as my personal experience with the drug.


Benefits of taking Peptides Clenbuterol

  • Fat removal;
  • Facilitated accumulation of quality muscle mass ;
  • Significant shortening of the recovery process (slows down the consumption of protein by muscle cells);
  • Helps to dispose of excess water, even from the most difficult to reach places (often beginners are mistaken that they are the last 2-3 pounds to lose or 3-5% to reduce fat);
  • Gives a lot of tone and energy to perform more intense workouts, even at a minimal dose;
  • Extremely cheap:

How does Peptides Clenbuterol work?

Clenbuterol acts on beta receptors in muscle tissue and body fat.

Intake causes thermogenesis, in which the level of metabolism increases by about 10 percent and body temperature increases by about a degree, a degree, and a half.

Peptides Clenbuterol is often used as an alternative to steroids because it has their anabolic properties, but to a lesser extent and without much of their side effects.

As a Central Nervous System stimulant, it acts like adrenaline. There are also many similarities with other CNS stimulants, such as ephedrine.

Peptides Clenbuterol Regimen

The dosages are strictly individual, prescribed by a specialized medical person.

They are regulated and depend on how the body reacts to side effects.

In the absence of side effects from taking Clenbuterol, men usually take 5-7 tablets a day, and women – 1-4 tablets a day (20 mcg = 1 tablet).

Professional advice: Many of the side effects of Clenbuterol can be reduced in 2 ways:

  • By taking a pyramidal scheme – start with a lower dose and gradually increase;
  • By taking smaller amounts than recommended for the most effective, but in combination with dietary supplements for fat burning (L-Carnitine, CLA, Thermogenic Fat Burner).

Important: Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effect 6-8 weeks after the first intake when the body temperature drops to normal.

Its anabolic and anti-catabolic properties disappear after about 18 days of its application. It has been proven that the most effective method of taking Clenbuterol is in a cycle – 2 weeks of intake and 2 weeks of rest. It is not recommended to take for more than 12 weeks.

Peptides Clenbuterol for men

Maximum doses for men taking Clenbuterol vary between 120-140 mcg. for a period of 24 hours.

The daily dose of Clenbuterol increases gradually during the first week and decreases towards the end of the second week. Example scheme:

  • Day 1:20 mcg.
  • Day 2:40 mcg.
  • Day 3: 60 mcg.
  • Day 4: 80 mcg.
  • Day 5: 100 mcg.
  • Day 6 to 12 Day 12: 120 mcg.
  • Day 13: 80 mcg.
  • Day: 14:40 mcg.

Important: Doses are strictly individual for each. Any side effects need to be treated immediately.

Clenbuterol is usually taken in 2 parts – 1/2 of the amount in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon (the second dose no later than 15:00, so as not to interfere with sleep).

Clenbuterol for Women

Maximum doses in women vary between 60-80 mcg. for a period of 24 hours.

The daily dose of Clenbuterol increases gradually during the first week and decreases towards the end of the second week. Example scheme:

  • Day 1: 10-20 mcg.
  • Day 2: 20 mcg.
  • Day 3:40 mcg.
  • Day 4:40 mcg.
  • Day 5: 60 mcg.
  • Day 6 to 12 Day 12: 60-80 mcg.
  • Day 13: 40-60 mcg.
  • Day: 14: 20-40 mcg.

Important: Doses are strictly individual for each. Any side effects need to be treated immediately.

Clenbuterol is usually taken in 2 parts – 1/2 of the amount in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon (the second dose no later than 15:00, so as not to interfere with sleep).

Clenbuterol is absolutely not recommended for young girls whose body is still developing its characteristics. It is not recommended during pregnancy and is prohibited in later months.

Side effects from taking Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a group of beta-2 agonists – stimulants that are broken down in the liver.

It is believed that its intake saturates and clogs specific receptors in the body and that is why, despite the initial excellent results that are achieved, after 2-3 weeks the effect decreases.

Possible side effects when taking Clenbuterol

  • trembling of limbs;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • tension;
  • insomnia ;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • high blood pressure;
  • skin rashes;
  • urinary disorders;
  • difficulty breathing or wheezing (extremely rare);
  • muscle cramps and cramps;
  • heavy sweating;
  • heart attack.

An almost obligatory side effect of taking Clenbuterol is shaking of the hands.

This discomfort can be significantly reduced by starting with a minimal dose of the drug to check tolerance.

In case you are experiencing any side effects from taking Clenbuterol, there are 2 best options for action:

  1. Complete cessation of intake (the safest option);
  2. Dose reduction to a minimum and combination with dietary supplements for fat burning.

Important:  Clenbuterol is such a strong drug that its doses are measured in micrograms.

The probability of a normal dose inadvertently or distractedly turning into an overdose is quite real.

For this reason, taking Clenbuterol is recommended only on the recommendation of a qualified healthcare professional.

Best practices for reducing the side effects of taking Clenbuterol

  • Shivering, tension, insomnia, increased heart rate: By reducing to a minimum the intake of caffeinated beverages;
  • Muscle cramps: By drinking more water than you are used to. Consumption of bananas, oranges, and food supplements containing potassium and magnesium ;
  • Headache: Can be avoided by taking a painkiller, such as an acetaminophen;

What does Peptides Clenbuterol combine with?

Clenbuterol can be combined with a large number of dietary supplements to enhance the desired effect and achieve a faster effect.

The combination with supplements allows taking many times less dose than the one that is most often “recommended” as an example – thus significantly reducing all unwanted side effects.

Clenbuterol is successfully combined with:


Nutritional supplements for fat burning :

  • Thermogenic Fat Burner
  • L-Carnitine and Green Tea
  • CLA (linoleic acid)

Nutritional supplements to reduce excess water:

  • Natural diuretic

Side effect reduction products:

  • Magnesium
  • Multivitamins


You can see best practices for weight loss in the article   Healthy Eating: The Best Diet (Link)

Physical activity:

Even minimal physical activity such as exercise at home, climbing stairs, or a favorite sport, combined with the other tips in the article, will help for much better results.

Easy workouts at home and gym: 

  1. 5 easy exercises with your own weight (home conditions)
  2. Abdominal Exercises (Home)
  3. Exercises for Tight Ass and Sexy Thighs  (home conditions)
  4. 1 Exercise for Tight Abdomen – Plank 28 Days Challenge (home or fitness)
  5. Intensive 10-Minute Full Body Workout with Dumbbells – Home Conditions (Home Conditions or Fitness)
  6. Free Fitness Program for the first month in the Gym (gym)

How long can Clenbuterol be detected / How long does it take to clear

Clenbuterol has a half-life of about 26 hours and still has detectable levels in the blood up to 48 hours after ingestion.

It is cleared from the body mainly through urine.

Personal experience with Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is too stimulating and the side effects are not worth it at higher doses.

While most fitness enthusiasts say they take 2-4 pills (women) and 5-8 pills (men), I experience unpleasant side effects even with 1-2 pills.

It is easy to get used to the side effects of taking 1-2 tablets and I have not felt the need for larger doses to achieve results.

Instead, I combine it with the recommended supplements in the article – L-Carnitine and Green Tea Extract , Thermogenic Fat Burner , Linoleic Acid , atural Diureticn and Multivitamin

Important: The side effects of taking Clenbuterol can be serious, especially with an inadequate dose and a delayed reaction to the first symptoms. For this reason, consult a qualified physician before using it.

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