Injectable SARMs Hold The Key!

Injectable SARMsSelective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are definitely the most popular of the injectable SARMs products in the last year who become the subject of great debate and controversy. Do they work or not? Are they harmful or not? Are they another marketing ploy or not?


Many articles have been written about injectable SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) – whether they can really replace steroids, whether they are harmless or not, which are good, which are not, etc. In my personal experience over the last few months – yes, most of them work and have no side effects.


Yes, of course, they are not as strong as anabolic steroids, but they are harmless or at least tens of times more harmless than steroids. In any case, if you decide to use them, you should have realistic expectations depending on the specific injectable SARMs – with Cardarin, which is for cleansing, there is more energy, more sweating during training, less appetite, faster metabolism, and hence – really gradually clearing unwanted fats. Ibutamoren, for example, has more strength, more energy, more appetite, much better pumping, and at least for me – slight water retention. After stopping Cardarin – lost fat does not return unless we start eating a lot of harmful things. With Ibutamoren there is a loss of weight, for me personally about 60-70% was lost after stopping the intake, but I was pleased with what I achieved. Some people are angry that they have lost weight after stopping or after training. But they forget that steroids not only lose what they have achieved but can also fall to a lower level than before, due to reduced testosterone levels and high estrogen levels after a cycle of anabolic steroids. This is not the case with CAPM, nor with me, nor with anyone else who has used them. The other is that you can’t achieve any results, stop training, and expect the results to stay the same.

The topic of injectable SARMs, although relevant recently, is not new at all. In the middle of the last century, steroid SARMs were used in medicine to treat many diseases, including cancer, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, and many other diseases associated with loss of muscle mass and bone density. These SARMs have had a very strong effect on muscle growth due to their high affinity for binding to androgen receptors. Unfortunately, the first SARMs were steroids and were accompanied by side effects such as gynecomastia, decreased libido after use, and liver and kidney problems. Another side effect that has been caused and is inherent in anabolic steroids is their ability to alter the DNA of multiple cells, increasing the size of the heart and prostate.

Steroids versus nonsteroidal SARMs

In the early 1990s, scientists created the first non-steroidal SARMs that were selective for receptors. While steroids and steroid injectable SARMs unlock each lock and stimulate muscle growth, even if it is not good for health, non-steroidal SARMs can only unlock the desired locks, not those that lead to unwanted side effects. Non-steroidal SARMs are rapidly gaining popularity and being used by bodybuilders and weightlifters as a safe alternative to anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, however, SARMs are just part of the big muscle game and at the moment they can’t provide as impressive results as anabolic steroids. Huge amounts of hormonal preparations, growth hormone, insulin are used in large bodybuilding. Although some SARMs are theoretically 200 times stronger than pure testosterone and 80 times more selective for muscle, the practice has shown poorer results over testosterone, but no side effects. As in any other industry – cigarettes, oil, drugs, but here, however, there is resistance, trying to discredit injectable SARMs drugs because they threaten the business of conventional anabolic steroids and supplements. Interestingly, according to the World Anti-Doping Agency, one-tenth of all athletes in the world use Ostarin.

How do SARMs Work?

Unlike known anabolic steroids and prohormones, injectable SARMs binds directly to male sex hormone receptors and affects the tissue or system of the body chosen by the developers. After stopping their intake, there are no lasting negative effects on the systems in the body, nor unwanted side effects.

As we age, our endurance, strength, and skeletal muscles begin to decline due to the loss of type 2 muscle fibers. With the use of SARMs, these adverse effects of advancing age can be significantly delayed, allowing us to have a better quality of life into old age. SARMs binds to the same receptors as steroids, but without the side effects. This is a remarkable achievement in medicine and pharmacology, and despite resistance, the development will continue.

My observations

My observations of injectable SARMs are from the last few months, and in addition to using them personally, I question my clients with whom I keep in touch and who use SARMs. The overall conclusion is that they work and everyone feels better than before. The results are not “WOW”, but they are tangible and real to the point that everyone I asked felt more strength, energy, less fatigue, gained or lost weight (as was the goal), etc., depending of the specific SARMs it uses. Yes, I repeat that the effect is not the same as with anabolic steroids, but so far no side effects have been observed, and if there were any, they were minimal and disappeared immediately after stopping the use of the injectable SARMs.. Personally, in my opinion, this makes SARMs suitable for a very wide range of people, whether they are professional athletes or not, and I am fully convinced that in the coming years the development of SARMs will continue precisely because of the ratio: side effects where anabolic steroids totally lose the battle, because of the harmful effects after their use, and the mass food supplements – because of the poor results (which does not prevent SARMs to be combined with each other and with food supplements).

Benefits of Injectable SARMs :

– Stimulate the growth of muscle and bone tissue

– Increase endurance

– Accelerate the recovery process

– Increase protein synthesis

– Improve the absorption of nutrients

– Favors the preservation of muscle tissue

– Help burn fat

– Lower bad cholesterol levels

– Beneficial effect on joint function

Side Effects:

– There are no proven ones

If you want to learn how I can help you individually achieve better results, click here: OFFERED SERVICES

And if you want to get acquainted with the latest in the world of food supplements – Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, click here: ALL TYPES OF injectable SARMs



As already mentioned, injectable SARMs work in almost the same way as steroids, but then what makes them so different, and how come they don’t have these strong side effects that you can get from steroids?

The method by which SARMs work is specific, ie they affect only the tissues in which you want to cause growth and improvement, namely, muscle tissue and strengthening of bone structure. Steroids, on the other hand, also give you this advantage, with the small detail that they both stimulate growth and change in muscle tissue and affect secondary organs.

The most commonly affected organs from steroids are the testicles, they shrink and therefore stop producing testosterone because the body receives enough from an external source (steroids). The worst thing, in this case, is to never regain your normal testosterone production and accordingly, in order to feel and function normally, you must undergo hormone therapy for the rest of your life. Other organs that can be damaged are the liver due to the high toxicity of steroids. Also, the prostate and heart can enlarge, making cancer more likely.

SARMs do NOT affect secondary organs, but they can also reduce the production of your own testosterone if you take them too, because their effects are so similar that your body simply takes them for testosterone and reduces production, but never stops it completely. Therefore, no therapy is required after a cycle of SARMs, but rest is still desirable.


The short answer is NO.

SARMs have the POTENTIAL of steroids, ie they act in a similar way with similar results, but if we have to compare them they have 70% of the potency of steroids, which is very impressive due to the fact that they exclude side effects that can be caused by chemistry…


Yes, SARMs can be used in combination with steroids, in 2 dances:

– During post-cycle therapy. The most popular SARM for restoring and maintaining the maximum amount of muscle mass that you have gained during your cycle is Ostarin MK2866. Suitable for the recovery period of 6 to 8 weeks, as it does not suppress testosterone levels and at the same time has a very similar reaction that you can expect from a testosterone. In this way, it mimics its action and allows you to maintain the accumulated muscle mass while restoring your own testosterone production to normal levels.

– injectable SARMs that do not have as high hormonal activity as Cardarine GW501516 and Ibutamoren MK677 (provided that you do not use synthetic growth hormone) are used with steroids. The reason we do not recommend other SARMs with steroids is that their action is very similar and the effects overlap, that is, if you take another type of SARM with steroids, the effect will be lost along with the wasted money. Cardarin and Ibutamoren, on the other hand, would increase the effect of steroids and help you achieve greater results.


We believe that in the future SARMs or their advanced development will play a huge role in modern medicine and, of course, in any sport. Imagine products created and improved after thousands of experiments that alter human genes and give you the opportunity to be the best in your sport… Then there will be no people who are just “created” for sports, everyone will be equal, most the good one will be the one who gave the most of himself… SARMs are the beginning of a better future!